Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Basement Crap

Happy New Year!

I used to make resolutions. I was always unsuccessful. Aren't we all, really? But when I turned 30, I made the best New Year's resolution ever...to stop wasting my time creating resolutions. I suppose in theory, they're good ideas. Perfect chance to make yourself a better person, turn over a new leaf, stop biting your nails. But really they are just guilt and failure waiting for you. Nagging you on January 2nd and again on January 5th. Until January 11th, if you even make it that far, you admit defeat, accept change isn't any fun at all and resume life as usual.

The Container Store is convinced I should have made a resolution this year. They want me to resolve to get organized and clean the crap out of my basement. And, hey, it's not a half bad idea. If they'd like to give me a few hundred in ELFA shelving I'd be up to the challenge. I'm not a hoarder. Yet, my basement is full of crap. All sorts of crap that, if it tragically flooded, I might do a celebratory dance in my head.

This morning, I decided Christmas was over and I wanted my house back. I ventured to the basement to retrieve the Rubbermaid boxes. These boxes were just accessed about 3 weeks ago, and still I had to move a lobster pot, a box of screw drivers, a Fisher Price Laugh & Learn house, and a small box full of unidentified junk just to get to the Rubbermaid boxes.

The box of unidentified junk is really what this whole post is about. Today I stumbled upon a website, Crap at my Parents House. It's a funny site, and I was scared. A handful of years ago, I helped my husband pack up and sort my grandmother in-laws belongings. I will never, ever, in a million years forget that experience. And out of respect to the lovely lady I will not go into detail about what I saw. But suffice it to say, we've all seen an episode or two of TLC's Hoarding. From that moment on, I decided i didn't want any of my children going through my junk after I die, questioning why their crazy mother saved so much ridiculous, worthless shit.

However, it seems I'm not alone in this basement battle. Dear husband has quite a bit of belongings in said basement. Matter of fact, I believe he has several boxes down there from our move 4 years ago, simply labeled JUNK. In his defense, I labeled the boxes. If the label fits...

Thankfully K is still very young. I have quite a few more years to accumulate crap sort through and organize the basement chaos and clutter, so she doesn't have to when I die. Or I could just write in to TLC in advance.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm not sure how to tell you this, but stuff just multiplies when the kids get older. You save their firsts and their "artwork" (ahem) and OMG. Yes, call TLC now. (I've been on hold with them for a while myself)
